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Praise Is What I Do Lyrics: Uplift Your Spirit with Soul-Stirring Worship!

Praise Is What I Do Lyrics

Praise Is What I Do Lyrics: Inspiring and uplifting gospel song lyrics that celebrate the power of praise and worship.

Praise Is What I Do lyrics effortlessly transport listeners into a realm of spiritual elevation and unbridled worship. With its captivating melodies and heartfelt expressions, this soul-stirring anthem encapsulates the essence of praise in a way that leaves no room for indifference. From the very first note, a sense of awe is evoked, drawing the audience into a world where praise becomes not just an act but an innate response to the divine. The lyrics, adorned with powerful metaphors and poignant imagery, beautifully convey the profound connection between the human soul and its Creator. As the verses unfold, the song gracefully weaves together elements of gratitude, surrender, and devotion, inviting all who listen to join in the chorus of adoration. Its seamless transitions and melodic shifts create an enchanting harmony, further amplifying the impact of each line. Through its poetic narrative and compelling tone, Praise Is What I Do lyrics invite us to embark on a transformative journey of worship and communion with the divine.


The song Praise Is What I Do is a powerful contemporary gospel track that has touched the hearts of many believers around the world. With its soul-stirring lyrics and captivating melody, this song has become an anthem for those seeking to express their love and devotion to God. In this article, we will delve into the profound message behind the lyrics and explore how they resonate with the listeners.

Verse 1: A Heartfelt Declaration

The opening verse of Praise Is What I Do sets the tone for the entire song. It begins with a sincere declaration of the singer's commitment to praise God regardless of the circumstances. The lyrics emphasize that praise is not merely an action but a way of life, a continuous offering of adoration to the Creator.

Chorus: A Call to Worship

The chorus of the song acts as a call to worship, inviting all who hear it to join in praising God. It highlights the transformative power of worship, acknowledging that it can bring healing, deliverance, and breakthrough. The repetition of the phrase I glorify Your name serves as a reminder of the central purpose of our existence – to bring honor and glory to God.

Verse 2: Surrendering in Worship

In the second verse, the lyrics express a deep sense of surrender and dependence on God. They acknowledge that even in times of pain and uncertainty, the act of worship can bring solace and peace. It encourages listeners to trust in God's unfailing love, knowing that He will never leave or forsake them.

Bridge: A Cry for More

The bridge of Praise Is What I Do reflects a longing for a deeper connection with God. The lyrics express a desire for an overflow of His presence and power. It is a heartfelt cry for a fresh anointing, a hunger to experience God's glory in a greater measure.

Verse 3: Testimony of Faith

The third verse of the song celebrates the faithfulness of God in the midst of trials. It acknowledges that even when life seems overwhelming, praise can serve as a testimony of God's goodness. The lyrics remind us that our praise has the ability to shift our perspective from our problems to the greatness of God.

Bridge: A Declaration of Trust

The second bridge reinforces the importance of trust in God. It emphasizes that even when we don't understand His ways, we can trust His heart. The lyrics encourage listeners to let go of fear and doubt, choosing to believe that God is working all things together for their good.

Chorus: A Celebration of God's Majesty

The final rendition of the chorus encapsulates the essence of the song. It is a joyous celebration of God's majesty and a reminder of His infinite worthiness to be praised. The lyrics convey the idea that regardless of our circumstances, God remains steadfast, and our praise should never cease.

Conclusion: A Song of Devotion

Praise Is What I Do is not just a song; it is a heartfelt expression of devotion to God. Through its powerful lyrics, this gospel track encourages believers to make praise a lifestyle, a constant outpouring of adoration for the One who is worthy of all honor and glory. It reminds us that in every season and situation, praise has the ability to transform our hearts and draw us closer to God.


In the realm of Christian music, few songs capture the essence of praise and worship as powerfully as Praise Is What I Do. This uplifting anthem embraces the joy and gratitude that arises from praising God, reminding us of the boundless blessings and love He bestows upon us. Through its heartfelt lyrics, this song invites listeners into a transformative experience of devotion, surrender, and celebration of faith.

Filled with Gratitude

The lyrics of Praise Is What I Do overflow with deep appreciation and thankfulness for God's countless blessings. They remind us of His unfailing love and mercy, evoking a sense of awe and reverence. With words like Lord, I'm grateful for Your love, and I will bless Your Holy Name, the singer expresses a profound sense of gratitude and acknowledges that praising God is not only a privilege but also a response to His goodness.

Devotion and Surrender

One of the key themes in the lyrics of this song is surrendering to God's supremacy. The singer acknowledges their complete dedication to God, declaring, I give You praise for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. This tone of surrender reflects the understanding that worshiping God is not just an act of obedience but an expression of love and reverence towards the Almighty.

Celebration of Faith

Praise Is What I Do celebrates the importance of faith in one's life. It recognizes the transformative power that faith brings, allowing individuals to overcome challenges and experience God's grace. With lyrics such as I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, the song reminds us to keep our focus on God and trust in His provision and guidance.

Embracing Hope and Healing

The lyrics of this song provide comfort and strength during difficult times. They affirm the hope and healing that can be found in praising God, reminding listeners that He is a source of solace and restoration. With words like You are the source of my strength, You are the strength of my life, the song encourages us to find refuge in God's presence, knowing that He can bring healing to our brokenness.

Exalting God's Majesty

Through its lyrics, Praise Is What I Do expresses awe and reverence towards God's majesty. It acknowledges His infinite power and sovereignty, declaring Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. The song reminds us that God deserves our highest praise, for He alone is worthy of all honor and glory.

Personal Testimony

The lyrics of this song also share a personal testimony of the singer's experience with God's grace. They speak of the transformative impact that God's love has had on their life, affirming that praising Him is not just an external act but a reflection of the deep change within. Through lines like I will bless the Lord at all times, I vow to praise You through the good and the bad, the singer invites listeners to embrace their own personal testimonies and join in the chorus of praise.

Encouragement and Inspiration

Praise Is What I Do serves as an uplifting encouragement to listeners. Its lyrics inspire us to praise God in our own lives, reminding us that no matter what circumstances we face, He is deserving of our worship. With lines like I will bless You with my heart, I will bless You with my soul, the song motivates us to offer our whole selves in worship, finding joy and fulfillment in the act of praising God.

Declarations of God's Promises

The lyrics of this song declare God's promises and remind listeners of His faithfulness. They instill hope and confidence in His divine plans, assuring us that He is always working for our good. With words like You'll never leave me nor forsake me, the song affirms that God's love and presence are constant, providing a firm foundation on which we can build our lives.

Proclamation of Joy

Above all, Praise Is What I Do embraces a joy-filled tone. Its lyrics proclaim the infectious and uncontainable joy that arises from praising and worshiping God. It reminds us that in His presence, there is fullness of joy, and that by embracing a lifestyle of praise, we can experience the abundant joy that comes from knowing and serving Him.

In conclusion, the lyrics of Praise Is What I Do encapsulate the essence of praise and worship. Filled with gratitude, devotion, and surrender, they inspire and encourage listeners to embrace faith, hope, healing, and joy. Through their personal testimony and declarations of God's promises, these lyrics invite us into a transformative experience of worship, reminding us of the power and beauty found in praising God.

Point of view: The lyrics of Praise Is What I Do are a powerful expression of devotion and gratitude towards God. The song showcases the singer's deep connection with their faith and the overwhelming desire to praise and worship the Lord.

Voice: The voice used in the lyrics is one of reverence and awe. The singer acknowledges the greatness and majesty of God, recognizing Him as the source of all blessings and salvation. The tone is humble yet passionate, conveying a genuine sense of surrender and adoration towards the divine.

The lyrics of Praise Is What I Do can be broken down into the following points:

  1. The importance of praise: The song emphasizes the significance of praise in the singer's life. It conveys the idea that praising God is not just an option, but a fundamental part of their existence. It reflects the belief that offering praise to God brings joy, peace, and fulfillment.

  2. Unconditional devotion: The lyrics express the singer's commitment to praising God regardless of their circumstances. It demonstrates an unwavering faith and a willingness to worship, even in times of hardship or adversity. This unwavering devotion is showcased through lines such as I'll praise You in the good and the bad and I'll praise You when I'm young and when I'm old.

  3. Acknowledging God's greatness: The song repeatedly acknowledges God's greatness, highlighting His power, love, and mercy. It recognizes Him as the creator of the universe and affirms His sovereignty over all things. This acknowledgement is expressed through phrases like You're the source of my strength and You're the reason I live.

  4. Gratitude and thankfulness: The lyrics also convey a deep sense of gratitude towards God for His blessings and salvation. It reflects the singer's appreciation for God's grace and mercy in their life. This gratitude is evident in lines such as For every mountain You've brought me over and For waking me up this morning.

  5. Personal commitment: The song expresses a personal commitment to continuously praise and worship God. It reflects the singer's desire to make praise a central part of their life and to offer it unconditionally. This commitment is emphasized through lines like I won't be silent, I'll always sing and I'll worship You with all of my heart.

The overall message of the song is to inspire others to join in the act of praising God and to encourage believers to make praise a lifestyle. The lyrics serve as a reminder of God's greatness and the transformative power of worship. It is a call to action, urging listeners to express their gratitude and devotion through heartfelt praise.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog and delve into the powerful lyrics of Praise Is What I Do. We hope that this article has provided you with a deep understanding and appreciation for this uplifting song. Now, let's take a moment to reflect on the profound message conveyed through its lyrics.

Firstly, Praise Is What I Do serves as a reminder of the transformative power of praise in our lives. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the blessings we receive daily. In a world filled with chaos and negativity, this song encourages us to find solace and strength through praising the higher power that guides us. By choosing to focus on gratitude, we can shift our perspective and attract more positivity into our lives.

Furthermore, the lyrics of this song highlight the unyielding devotion and surrender to faith. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can find solace in praising our creator. The words evoke a sense of vulnerability and humility, encouraging us to let go of our worries and trust in a higher plan. In times of struggle, this powerful song reminds us to turn to praise as a means of finding hope and comfort.

In conclusion, Praise Is What I Do is a profound song that conveys the importance of gratitude and surrender to faith. Its lyrics serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of praise in our lives. We hope that this article has shed light on the depth and meaning behind this song, and that it has inspired you to embrace a mindset of gratitude and praise. Thank you once again for visiting our blog, and may the message of Praise Is What I Do resonate with you long after reading this article.

People Also Ask About Praise Is What I Do Lyrics

1. What are the lyrics to Praise Is What I Do?

The lyrics to Praise Is What I Do are as follows: