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Conan's Quest: Unveiling Life's Best in Just 7 Words!

Conan What Is Best In Life

Conan, the iconic barbarian, teaches us that the best things in life are to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.

Conan, the legendary barbarian known for his incredible strength and fearless demeanor, has captivated audiences for decades. But what exactly is it that makes him so intriguing? Well, let me tell you, dear reader, what is best in life according to Conan. Brace yourself, for this is a tale of raw power, epic battles, and the pursuit of one's desires.


Conan the Barbarian, a character created by Robert E. Howard, is known for his brute strength, cunning, and unyielding determination. He has been portrayed in various forms of media, including books, comics, and movies. One phrase that has become synonymous with Conan is What is best in life? This article aims to explore the meaning behind this iconic phrase and why it resonates so deeply with fans of the character.

The Origin of the Phrase

The famous phrase, What is best in life? originated from the 1982 movie adaptation of Conan the Barbarian, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the film, Conan is asked this question by Mongol General Subotai. Conan's response, delivered with conviction, has since become legendary: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

The Desire for Power and Domination

Conan's answer reflects his primal nature and his relentless pursuit of power. He believes that true satisfaction lies in conquering and subduing those who stand in his way. By crushing his enemies, he gains a sense of control and dominance over his surroundings, which fuels his inner desires.

The Thrill of Victory

Seeing his enemies driven before him represents the joy of triumph. Conan thrives on the thrill of victory, relishing in the moment when his adversaries are defeated and humbled. It symbolizes his success and reinforces his belief in his own abilities and strength.

The Symbolic Lamentation

Hearing the lamentation of the defeated women carries a symbolic significance. It represents the acknowledgment and acceptance of his own vulnerability. By witnessing the sorrow of those left behind, Conan is reminded of the fleeting nature of power and the transitory nature of life itself.

Conan's Unyielding Determination

What makes this phrase so powerful is its reflection of Conan's unwavering determination. He is a character who faces countless challenges and overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles with sheer willpower. The answer he provides to Subotai exemplifies his refusal to back down or accept defeat.

A Craving for Adventure and Freedom

Conan's pursuit of power and domination is also fueled by his desire for adventure and freedom. He seeks to explore new lands, overcome dangerous foes, and experience life in its rawest form. The phrase encapsulates his yearning for a life unconstrained by societal norms and limitations.

The Dark Side of Conan

While Conan embodies qualities that many admire, it is important to acknowledge the darker aspects of his character. His thirst for power can lead to a disregard for the well-being of others and a lack of empathy. This duality adds depth to his persona and serves as a reminder that even heroes have flaws.

The Phrase's Impact on Pop Culture

Over the years, the phrase What is best in life? has become ingrained in popular culture. It is often referenced in memes, parodies, and tributes to Conan. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the character's lasting influence and the resonance of his primal desires with audiences.

A Philosophical Interpretation

Beyond its immediate context, the phrase can be interpreted from a philosophical standpoint. It prompts individuals to reflect on their own desires and what brings true contentment in life. While Conan's answer may not resonate with everyone, it serves as a reminder to pursue what brings us joy and fulfillment.


The phrase What is best in life? has become an iconic representation of Conan the Barbarian's primal desires and unwavering determination. It encapsulates his pursuit of power, the thrill of victory, and the acceptance of vulnerability. Whether one admires or questions Conan's values, his answer continues to captivate audiences and spark philosophical contemplation about the meaning of a truly fulfilling existence.

The Essence of Strength: Discovering the Power Within

Conan, the legendary Cimmerian warrior, represents the epitome of physical strength and power. With his chiseled physique and unwavering determination, he embodies the essence of strength. But true strength goes beyond mere physicality; it lies in discovering the power that resides within oneself. Conan teaches us that strength is not just about overpowering others, but about tapping into our inner reserves and unleashing our potential. It is about pushing ourselves beyond our limits and harnessing our inner strength to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Courage in Adversity: Defying Defeat and Embracing Resilience

In Conan's world, adversity lurks around every corner. From treacherous enemies to insurmountable odds, he faces countless challenges throughout his journeys. Yet, he never succumbs to defeat. Conan teaches us the importance of courage in the face of adversity. He shows us that true courage lies in defying defeat and embracing resilience. It is about rising above the challenges and refusing to let them define us. Conan reminds us that even in the darkest of times, we have the power to conquer our fears and emerge stronger than ever.

Triumph over Weakness: Overcoming Challenges with Determination

We all have weaknesses, moments when we feel vulnerable and helpless. Conan, however, shows us that weaknesses can be transformed into strengths. He teaches us the art of overcoming challenges with unwavering determination. Rather than allowing his weaknesses to hold him back, Conan uses them as fuel to ignite his determination. He demonstrates that through sheer willpower and perseverance, we can transform our weaknesses into sources of strength. Conan's journey reminds us that we are capable of conquering any challenge that comes our way, as long as we have the determination to keep pushing forward.

The Beauty of Liberty: Celebrating Freedom and Individuality

In a world filled with oppressive forces and tyrannical rulers, Conan cherishes the beauty of liberty. He embodies the spirit of freedom and individuality, fighting against those who seek to suppress them. Conan teaches us the importance of celebrating our freedom and embracing our individuality. He reminds us that true happiness lies in living life on our own terms, free from the constraints imposed by others. Conan's relentless pursuit of freedom serves as a powerful reminder that we should never take our liberties for granted and always strive to protect them.

Connections that Matter: Forging Meaningful Relationships

While Conan may be a fierce warrior, he also understands the value of meaningful connections. Throughout his adventures, he forms deep bonds with friends and allies who become like family to him. Conan teaches us the importance of forging meaningful relationships. He shows us that true strength lies not only in physical might but also in the love and support we receive from those around us. Conan's loyalty and unwavering commitment to his loved ones serve as a reminder that our connections with others can enrich our lives and give us the strength to overcome any challenge.

Embracing Adventure: Seeking Thrills and Embracing New Experiences

Conan's life is one filled with thrilling adventures and daring exploits. He embraces the unknown, seeking thrills and embracing new experiences at every turn. Conan teaches us the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing adventure. He shows us that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and that by taking risks and exploring the uncharted territories, we can discover our true potential. Conan's thirst for adventure reminds us that there is great joy and growth in embracing the unknown and pushing the boundaries of what we believe is possible.

Unyielding Loyalty: Staying Committed to Friends and Loved Ones

One of Conan's defining traits is his unyielding loyalty to his friends and loved ones. He stands by their side through thick and thin, willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them. Conan teaches us the importance of staying committed to those who matter most in our lives. He reminds us that loyalty is not just a word but a deep-seated commitment that withstands the test of time. Conan's unwavering loyalty serves as a powerful reminder that true strength lies not only in physical prowess but also in the bonds of trust and love we share with others.

The Thrill of Knowledge: Pursuing Wisdom and Constant Learning

Conan's journey is not just about physical conquest; it is also a quest for knowledge and wisdom. He seeks to expand his understanding of the world and constantly strives to learn and grow. Conan teaches us the thrill of knowledge and the importance of pursuing wisdom. He shows us that true strength lies not only in physical abilities but also in mental acuity. Conan's relentless pursuit of knowledge serves as a reminder that we should never stop learning and that there is great power in expanding our minds and understanding the complexities of the world around us.

The Path of Justice: Standing Up for What is Right

Throughout his adventures, Conan encounters various injustices and oppressions. He never hesitates to stand up for what is right, even if it means putting himself in harm's way. Conan teaches us the importance of following the path of justice. He reminds us that true strength lies in using our power and influence to fight against injustice and make a difference in the world. Conan's unwavering commitment to justice serves as a powerful reminder that we all have a responsibility to stand up for what is right, regardless of the personal risks involved.

The Legacy of Legends: Leaving a Lasting Impact on the World

Conan's tales have become legendary, his name etched in the annals of history. He leaves a lasting impact on the world through his deeds and adventures. Conan teaches us the importance of leaving a legacy. He reminds us that true strength lies not only in the battles we win but also in the impact we leave behind. Conan's legacy serves as a powerful reminder that we all have the power to shape the world around us and leave a lasting imprint on future generations.

In conclusion, Conan embodies numerous qualities that inspire and resonate with us. From the essence of strength to the pursuit of justice, his journey teaches us valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the power of meaningful connections. Through his adventures, Conan shows us that true strength lies not only in physical prowess but also in the depths of our character. He teaches us to embrace adventure, celebrate freedom, and remain loyal to those who matter most. Conan's legacy serves as a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference and leave an indelible mark on the world. So, let us embark on our own quests, channel our inner Conan, and discover what is truly best in life.

Conan the Barbarian is a legendary character known for his incredible strength, cunning nature, and fearless attitude. One of his most famous quotes is What is best in life? This phrase has become iconic and represents Conan's perspective on what he values and finds most fulfilling. Let's explore his point of view and break it down using an explanatory voice and tone.

  1. Strength: Conan believes that physical strength is a crucial aspect of life. For him, the ability to conquer challenges, defeat enemies, and overcome obstacles is what makes life worthwhile. He sees strength as a means to assert dominance and achieve victory. In his world, power is respected, and he seeks to embody it in every way possible.
  2. Freedom: Another element Conan cherishes is freedom. As a barbarian, he despises being restrained or controlled by anyone. Conan values the ability to live without boundaries, to roam the vast landscapes, and to make his own choices. To him, the freedom to determine one's destiny and live life on one's own terms is the ultimate form of liberation.
  3. Adventure: Conan thrives on adventure and the thrill of exploration. He finds excitement in venturing into unknown territories, discovering new cultures, and engaging in epic battles. For him, the monotony of a mundane existence is not satisfying. Conan craves the adrenaline rush that comes with facing danger head-on and emerging victorious.
  4. Honor: Despite his brutal nature, Conan possesses a strong sense of honor. He respects those who are loyal, courageous, and true to their word. Conan values integrity and expects others to uphold their promises. He believes that living with honor and staying true to oneself is a fundamental aspect of a meaningful life.
Conan's perspective on what is best in life reflects his primal nature and the harsh world he inhabits. His values of strength, freedom, adventure, and honor are shaped by his experiences as a warrior and an outsider. While his point of view may seem savage to some, it offers a glimpse into a mindset driven by survival and the pursuit of greatness.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of Conan and exploring the timeless question, What is best in life? We have delved into the depths of Conan's adventures, examined his philosophy, and uncovered the essence of his character. Now, as we bid farewell, let us reflect on what we have discovered.

Throughout our exploration, one thing has become abundantly clear – Conan's unwavering pursuit of freedom and personal agency. From his humble beginnings as a barbarian warrior to his rise as a legendary figure, Conan has always fought for his own independence. His quest for power and dominance is not driven by a desire to rule over others, but rather to carve out his own destiny in a world that often seeks to control and subjugate.

Another aspect that shines through in Conan's story is his unyielding resilience. Time and time again, he faces insurmountable odds, only to rise above them through sheer willpower and determination. Whether it be battling supernatural forces, navigating treacherous political landscapes, or simply surviving the harshness of the wilderness, Conan never gives up. He embodies the indomitable spirit of the human condition, reminding us that we too can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Finally, let us not forget the importance of Conan's unwavering loyalty to those he holds dear. While often portrayed as a loner, Conan forms deep connections with a select few individuals who earn his trust and respect. These bonds, forged through shared experiences and mutual understanding, serve as a testament to the power of genuine friendship and camaraderie. They remind us that even in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, meaningful connections can provide solace and support.

As we conclude our exploration of Conan's world, we leave with a renewed appreciation for the values he embodies – freedom, resilience, and loyalty. May his tales continue to inspire us to embrace our own journeys, face adversity head-on, and cherish the bonds we form along the way. Farewell, fellow adventurers, until we meet again!

People Also Ask About Conan: What Is Best In Life?

What is the origin of What is best in life?

The famous quote What is best in life? originates from the 1982 movie called Conan the Barbarian, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. In this film, Conan is asked this question by the Mongol general Subotai during a campfire conversation.

What does Conan's response mean?

Conan's response to the question What is best in life? is iconic and has become a popular catchphrase. He answers, To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. This statement embodies Conan's barbarian nature and reflects his values of strength, dominance, and reveling in the defeat of his adversaries.

Why is this quote so popular?

The quote has gained popularity due to its memorable and powerful delivery by Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as its portrayal of Conan's unapologetic and primal character. It encapsulates the raw essence of Conan's worldview, where physical prowess and conquest are highly valued.

What does Conan's response say about his character?

Conan's response to what is best in life reveals much about his character. It showcases his warrior mentality, emphasizing his desire for victory over his enemies. His answer reflects his disdain for weakness and his belief in the survival of the fittest. It highlights his unyielding determination and relentless pursuit of greatness.

Is there a deeper meaning behind Conan's response?

While Conan's response may seem straightforward, some interpret it as a commentary on the primal instincts within humanity. It can be seen as an exploration of the darker aspects of human nature, where dominance and conquest prevail. It also serves as a reminder of the brutal realities that often shape societies and civilizations.

How has this quote been referenced in popular culture?

Conan's famous quote has been referenced and parodied in various forms of media, cementing its place in pop culture. It has been used humorously in movies, TV shows, video games, and even in advertising campaigns. The quote's enduring popularity is a testament to how deeply it resonates with audiences and its ability to capture the essence of Conan's character.

Overall, the people's curiosity about what is best in life, as depicted in Conan the Barbarian, stems from the impact of Arnold Schwarzenegger's powerful portrayal and the quote's reflection of Conan's primal nature. Its popularity lies in its memorable delivery, its embodiment of raw strength, and its exploration of humanity's darker instincts.